Thursday, May 28, 2009

NC Trip (Part 2)

Finally, here is the latest installment of the NC photos. Mom and Dad are visiting us in Nashville, and all of these were on their computer. We are so happy to have them visiting us, especially while Brandon is out of town. The three of us were sick this weekend, but Brandon is recovered, I am feeling much better, and Bonnie still has some congestion, but is acting like her old happy self again. I am glad to see this little ordeal on the way out. It is no fun being sick, especially when all you want to do is take care of your sick baby. We hope everyone is having a great start to their summer!
I had to include this picture, because I think she looks just like Bubby in this one!
Bonnie and her Great Grandad.

Uncle Jay

Caleb didn't just want to see Bonnie, he wanted to hold her!
Brody, Caleb, and Aunt Candace

This makes me feel old because I can remember Christal being this young, and now she is about to graduate from high school!

Dalton and Delaney thought Bonnie was pretty cool.
Savannah was anxious to get her hands on Bonnie as well.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our big 3 month old girl!

It's unbelievable to me that Bonnie will be three months old tomorrow. She is growing so fast, and I can't help but think about that dreadful day in August when I have to take her to daycare. Don't get me wrong, I am so thankful that I will have been off work with her for 5 months. I know how lucky I am for that, and we have visited some really nice Daycare Centers where the workers have been so nice. But, I guess I'm a little jealous that they will get to spend all day with Bonnie while I'm at work. She's such a joy to me. I realize and appreciate all of the cliches about becoming a parent. I am a ball of mush when it comes to her. I adore everything she does, and I get so excited about each new milestone, no matter how small. Here are some facts about Bonnie at this age:

  • She has found her hands-she is mesmerized by them!
  • She likes to stand (with some assistance) on her legs. She is very strong!
  • She loves to be outside-she's really enjoying this nice weather, although I'm afraid she has allergies!

Bonnie's ready for the beach this summer!

Charlotte gave these little bloomers to Bonnie. She's worn them on several occasions, and as I put them on the other day, I noticed that they are now too small (a little tight around the thighs). It was kind of like the end of an era, so I had to photograph them before putting them away.

Bonnie loves to play on her little gym. She will laugh out loud at the smiley face that plays music.

I tried to put her on her stomach for some tummy time (which she hates) while she was distracted by her toys.
But, she found her favorite toy of all, her fist, and tried to fit it in her mouth again.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our Trip to NC (Part 1)

We've had such a fun time in North Carolina so far. Bonnie did a great job riding on the plane. In fact, the hardest part of the ordeal was getting the stroller through security. I was holding Bonnie and trying to explain to the security man how to fold the stroller in order to get it up onto the x-ray belt. He was trying really hard, bless his heart! Finally, a lady working the x-ray had mercy and came over to whip it right up!

We've had lots of visitors, and we've had so much fun seeing everyone. One thing to mention is that with our family, everyone in the generation above you is called "aunt" or "uncle", even though they are in fact your cousin. For instance, Jay Parker is my second cousin, but to Bonnie he will be called "Uncle Jay". This is because he is in the generation older than Bonnie. This has been a source of confusion to many, but it's just the way it is, and always has been. So, although I only have one brother, Bonnie will have lots of aunts and uncles on my side of the family.
The generation photo of me, Mom, Pap, and Bonnie

Camden wanted Bonnie to play with him, but she just stared at him. He's showing her how to use his swing.

Aunt Tammy brought Camden over to see Bonnie!

Aunt Mildred came by to visit with us as well. She's Bonnie's great, great aunt!

Todd is the "baby whisperer". All babies love Todd.

Aunt Alice holding Bonnie at the sale. Bonnie looks pretty happy!

Uncle Leonard and Aunt Beverly are so sweet, Bonnie was falling asleep!

Aunt Angie is showing Bonnie to Aunt Christine, another great, great Aunt!

Uncle Buck was Bonnie's first visitor to Pap's house.
There will be more to come later. We have lots of pictures of our trip!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Fun Times with Friends

First, let me apologize for the layout. I am trying to figure this thing out, and the layout of the photos is out of order. We had a great week of visiting with friends. We are so excited about going to NC next week to see Pap and all of our wonderful cousins. We'll have plenty of photos to post, so be sure to check back with us!
Sweet Smiley Girl
Bernie came over for her first visit with Bonnie. She's all swaddled and ready for bed in this picture!

Erin came over on Wednesday as well. She and Bonnie had a fun visit with each other.
Bonnie and Ansley were so cute laying beside each other on Saturday. Ansley wanted to lay her head on Bonnie, and Bonnie loved smiling at Ansley. It was the first time that they actually noticed each other, and it was too cute.

And, of course Susie had to get in on the action!