Katie came over to see Bonnie while she was taking a break from studying on Friday. She brought Bonnie a sweet bulletin board to hang on her wall. Thanks, Kates!

Aunt Mel and Uncle Dex spent the weekend with us, and we had so much fun! This was the first time Aunt Mel met Bonnie because they were sick the weekend she was born. Then I was sick the next weekend and we just couldn't get it to work out. So, we were extra excited to have them come to see us! Bonnie is smitten with her Uncle Dexter and Aunt Mel!

This was the first time Aunt Mel held Bonnie!
When Bonnie was taking a nap yesterday, I walked in and saw these little eyes peeking up over her blanket. She had the grumpiest, yet most adorable expression!

Grumpy face number two...she looked put out.

Oops! It's the same picture again. I'm not sure how to delete pictures, but I'm working on it!
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