I had the opportunity to join Bubs on his work trip to Washington for Fall Break. Wow! What a beautiful state! I am so thankful that it worked out so that I could join him. We had a lot of fun getting to see that part of the country.

Beautiful Couer D'Alene

Downtown Spokane

Columbia Valley Wine Country

Beautiful Snoqualmie Falls...There is a hotel directly next to this bluff. I would really like to spend the night there. Can you imagine how well one would sleep when this is your background noise?

Pike's Place Market in Seattle. We did bring home our very own salmon on the plane, and we've been enjoying eating it since we've been home!

Daddy and Bonnie carved a pumpkin to get ready for Halloween.

We went to Morristown for Lucy's birthday party! Bonnie is aiming for the pinata in this picture.
We had a great time celebrating Lucy Pop's 4th Birthday.

I think we accumulated about 12 different pumpkins before Halloween. Bonnie loves pumpkins!

We visited Gouls at Grassmere, and Bonnie rode the flamingo while dressed as Snow White.

On Halloween night, Bonnie told her Snow White doll, "I look just like you!"

Sam and Bonnie had a ball on Halloween! They will definitely be looking forward to it next year. She's already been asking when Halloween will be again.