Bonnie loves to ride the flamingo on the zoo carousel.

Bonnie and Dad on a walk at Radnor a couple of weeks ago.

We went in on this bounce house with the Rudolphs and the Simmons. Awesome parenting decision on our part. These kids had so much fun on Saturday during the UT game. I think we got our money's worth just on Saturday!

This is the best group shot I could get. They were too busy having fun!

Bonnie got to ride a pony at the Greek Festival this weekend. She looks so stoic.

She loved, loved, loved riding the horse. She hasn't quit talking about it!

She also loved this slide at the Greek Festival. It was great because she got to land in a big ball pit at the bottom. You can see the excitement on her face!

Really cute face right before hitting the ball pit!

She followed the animals around in the petting zoo sprinkling about 3 pellets of food for them on the ground.

Bonnie and Sam were so excited to get push-up pops at Chuy's!
Hello out there!
Long time, no see! I know it has definitely been too long since I've blogged. I've started back to school, and I've been a little overwhelmed. It's amazing how easy it is to adjust to not working after ten months, but how hard it is to readjust to working after just two months off. It's kind of strange how that happens!