Summertime... makes me think of that great tune from Porgy and Bess. Love it. It has been a whirlwind of a summer so far (and I say so far because I am hanging on to my last two weeks of summer by my fingernails). I've either been leaving town or coming back in town every weekend since June 5, and I really wouldn't change a thing. Don't get me wrong, it is nice to put away the suitcases for awhile, but this summer has been great. I am buying a lottery ticket for every draw in hopes that I won't have to go back to school in two weeks...wish me luck! The only comfort of summer ending is that fall will be right around the corner. Another season that I love, maybe the most, if I could combine it with getting a break from work for two months. But at any rate, I cannot complain because I am very blessed.
Most recently we've travelled to Morristown for two showers in honor of Dexter, Melanie, and Lucy. It is getting so close, and the excitement is pretty much out of control at this point. We are counting weeks instead of months, and it's a good thing because we are all so excited. Now she has clothes, and shoes, and a beautiful room filled with great toys and other gifts just waiting on her. It seems so real, and so wonderful. I just can't wait to meet her.
Here are a few photos from our recent adventures. They are dedicated to Aunt Brooksie, who lives in dreary old Manhattan and misses Bonnie and Samuel so. She stays on me to update my blog, and I am grateful, because sometimes I am neglectful of it. Right now, for instance, I would probably be asleep on the couch instead of updating the blog if I hadn't gotten an email from her. So, here you go Aunt Brooksie. We love you, and can't wait to see you in a few weeks!