Miss Bonnie was having a grilled cheese on this glorious snowday. She got verrry sleeeepy, and couldn't make it through the green beans. Warning: I would not watch this video if you are at work and feel a little tired. This will only make you want to curl up and take a nap!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
On another note, it is hard to believe that Bonnie will be 11 months old Friday. I find myself doing a double take sometimes because she is so big and doing so many things. It seems like lately someone has pushed the fast forward button! I can't believe that this precious girl crawling around and babbling is my little baby. People warned me, but WOW! Time really does fly!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Okay, I promise to slow down with the videos. We've just had so much fun recording Bonnie's antics the past few days. I need to remember to get out the regular camera every now and again! But, here's one more for now...enjoy!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Baby, it's cold outside
Well, the weather has been interesting this week. It has been so cold for such a long time. They've been calling for snow all week. They called off school last night (yipee!), AND.........we got a dusting. Seriously, a dusting. I have been looking forward to taking Bonnie's picture in the snow for the first time, but I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to tell if it was snow or if the film was just bad on the camera. It wasn't worth Bonnie or I getting out of our pajamas, which is where we have been all day. Don't get me wrong. I will never complain about getting out of school. And to make it even better, we are out again tomorrow. We have never gotten out two consecutive days in my 5 1/2 year tenure with Metro, so that in itself is exciting. I just always pictured it would be because we had at least 3 inches!
So, anyway, I hope this video warms you up a little. It's Bonnie playing with Duke, Guerry and Sallie's dog (Samuel's dog). He is so sweet-and he can clap! How many dogs do you know that can clap?
Monday, January 4, 2010
Brandon and I got a really cool flip video camera for Christmas (thank you Mom and Dad), and we've been making a ton of videos of Bonnie. I am pretty sure that was the point-we upload videos of Bonnie for Grandma and Grandad! Here's the trial run. I am still trying to figure it all out. But, if you are in the market for a video camera, I would highly recommend the flip. It is really simple to use, and it has really cool features. I am just trying to figure out the editing! Best of all, it is really small so you can always have it handy. There will be more videos to come for sure!
This is one of Bonnie and her friend Ansley playing at our house. They had such a great time together. Of course we didn't have the camera handy when they did the really cute stuff like hug each other!