Happy Fall everyone! I apologize for neglecting the blog lately. For the past week, I have been obsessed over Dexter and Melanie's blog. As I'm sure you know, they are in China getting Lucy! Hooray! I get up every morning and check their blog, and it's the last thing I do at night. They are on an 11 hour time difference, you see. So, we get to Skype with them in the mornings before they go to bed, and at night when they are getting up. Make sense? Yeah, I am still getting used to it! But, we won't have to wait long because we get to see them on Friday! Yipee! I can't wait because I have the cutest niece in the country, nay, the world!
Here are some Fall pictures we've taken recently. We went to Gentry Farm on Sunday for Aidan's birthday. It is hard to believe our precious nephew is 4 years old! He is getting so big!

Our girl amongst the pumpkins.

This slide was really fun. It had a ladder inside the barn and a fast slide, which she loved.

33 inches, according to the pediatrician, and the large scarecrow.

Sweet cousins!

Bonnie's favorite part was the kitchen in the big barn.

Super-fast slide! Many a young'n ended up with dusty pants because this one pretty much dumps you off at the bottom.

What's more fun than digging in sand? Wheat and corn, of course!

Checking out the goats

Bonnie really enjoyed Aidan's birthday cake and ice cream!
We are on Fall Break this week, and are visiting Grandma and Pappaw. Ahhhhhh Fall Break...the perfect time of year for a week off. We are loving it! We went to the Greene County Pumpkin Patch, and boy did they have some really cool pumpkins. I'll have to take a picture of our carved jack-o-lantern. It turned out quite well!

It's okay, Mama. I've got it! Love how she has her tongue out to the side. She's really working hard!

She's proud of her pumpkin, and she doesn't want any help carrying it.

Okay, let's talk about the car bed. Grandma and Pappaw have this fabulous toddler bed that Bonnie just adores. And who wouldn't? It is a pretty cool bed, after all.

It has a sun roof!

How cool is this bed?